Monday, June 20, 2016

Zone Conference!

Hey Everyone!

Summer looks like it started really well! Hope everyone is healthy and happy.

This last week we had our annual Zone Conference. To prepare ourselves we were asked to study "Repentance" in Preach My Gospel and "Let This Settle in Your Heart", I`ll see if I can find it and send it to your guy. In the words of President Bird, "Repentance is one of the greatest opportunities that we have to be taught by the Savior". Repentance is a change, and helps us grow and learn. Sincere repentance comes from the heart.

President Bird also gave us his final testimony, in ten days we will get to meet our new President and his wife!

We found a new Investigator who is really excitd to be baptized. We found Alonzo in our area book from some past missionaries who visited him one time. When I first saw his address, I was pretty sure it didn`t exist, it was on the largest street in the area with a number that we thought didn`t even exist. We started at the beginning of the street and followed it until the end. One of the final houses without a number turned out to be Alonzo`s house. We explained a little about "The Plan of Salvation" and "Baptism," because his wife passed away. Alonzo is 69 years old with alot of great beleifs. 

We also have electricity in our house again! We only had electricity in half of our house for two weeks, someone robbed a fuse from our fuse box.

Everything is moving along smoothely, we have food, water and a roof over our head! Spanish is coming along great! See you all next week!

Elder George

Monday, June 13, 2016

Hat Shopping!

Hey Family,

Hope summer is going great, and that everyone is having a good time with all the activities coming up. The temperature keeps climbing here every day. The church noticed how hot it gets here so they gave us permission to wear hats and sunglasses! That means i`m going to find the biggest sombrero I can find! 

This week we will be having our last Zone Conference with President and Sister Bird, they`ve asked us to study "Repentance,"  in Preach My Gospel and come prepared with a spiritual experience. 

We were surprised this last Sunday, when a less active member that found us. He came to church with us. Ferrando is 52 years old and we were actually teaching his sister in my last area. Ferrando was baptized 12 years ago but he has had a lot of heath problems that keep him from leaving the house. We`ll see how it was for him to go back to church, tomorrow when we visit him!

I`m also playing the piano in church! Sometimes on P days I have time to practice a hymn. I've also started reading The Book of Mormon in spanish for our language study! If I stay on track I`ll be able to finish by the end of summer! Join me if you want!

Everything is going great! See you all next week!

Elder George

Alma 37:13